Singletrack Improver (part II) | Every Body Moves

Singletrack Improver (part II)

Singletrack School


Our two Singletrack Improver coaching courses we will build upon your Fundamentals to give you a toolbox of mountain bike skills that you can apply to any terrain, in any location, and any in conditions; be it a gnarly back country trail in The Lakes or classic red route at a Welsh trail centre?

Club features

Accessibility types:

Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Physical impairment, Learning impairment, Mental health issues, Social or behavioural problems

Activity type:

Mountain Biking

Attendance type:


Activity details:

6H15M sessions between 09:15 and 15:30 every Sunday from 12/03/2023
6H15M session between 09:15 and 15:30 on 13/10/2024


Surrey Hills AONB Hurtwood Car Park 14 Radnor Lane Dorking Surrey RH5 6NW

Telephone number:

‭+44 1483 380381


£ 120