Prehab | Every Body Moves


Legacy Leisure


Prehab is an approach that is proactive in helping prevent you from suffering pain or injury, out experienced instructors will take you through a workout that will strengthen around your vulnerable areas, increase mobility in stiffer areas and assist with improving lower back pain or postural dysfunctions. Strength,Stability, Mobility,Injury prevention Mae Prehab yn ddull sy'n rhagweithiol wrth helpu i'ch atal rhag dioddef poen neu anaf, bydd hyfforddwyr profiadol yn eich tywys trwy ymarfer corff a fydd yn cryfhau o amgylch eich ardaloedd bregus, yn cynyddu symudedd mewn ardaloedd llymach ac yn cynorthwyo i wella poen cefn isaf neu ddiffygion ystumiol. Cryfder, sefydlogrwydd, symudedd, atal anafiadau

Club features

Activity type:

Mind and Body

Attendance type:


Activity details:

10:30 and every Thursday from 11/01/2024 till 16/12/2027
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 26/09/2024
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 03/10/2024
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 10/10/2024
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 17/10/2024
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 24/10/2024
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 31/10/2024
45M session between 10:30 and 11:15 on 07/11/2024


Cardiff Olympian Drive Grange Town CF11 0JS

Email address:


£ 9.25