SORRY - NO WALK TODAY | Every Body Moves


Stephen Knight - Chilterns Nordic Walkers


Come, spend a couple of hours on a Saturday morning exploring interesting circular walks, up hill and down dale, in the Chilterns and South Bucks areas. With a wide variety of venues and terrain to chose from you are sure to discover a few favourites. The walk will change each week, and where practical will finish somewhere with refreshments and facilities. Enjoy sociable Nordic Walking with your fellow experienced  Freedom Passport holders in a variety of locations with a mixed ability group.  Lead by accredited instructors or leaders, these walks make the most of our beautiful countryside and are a relaxing way to enjoy being active outdoors, at the same time as improving your fitness and wellbeing.  We aim for a steady pace rather than a race. We'll aim for each walk to be about 2 hours duration. Poles available. Wear outdoor activity footwear and clothes suitable for the weather.

Club features

Activity type:

Nordic Walking

Attendance type:


Activity details:

2H session between 10:00 and 12:00 on 24/09/2024


Route to be announced Ambassador's Court London Westminster SW1E 6LA

Telephone number:

07868 654 984


£ 12

Meeting point instructions:

No parking, limited access