Goalball Club training | Every Body Moves

Goalball Club training


Goalball is an inclusive and dynamic team sport, welcoming both male and female players, regardless of their level of visual impairment. Originally developed in 1946, Over the decades, it has evolved into a highly popular and competitive sport, enjoyed by players across numerous countries and featured prominently in international competitions, including the Paralympic Games. Anyone can play, whether visually impaired or not. To ensure fairness, all participants wear eyeshades, creating a level playing field where everyone competes with the same visual limitation. This aspect of the game emphasizes the importance of skill, teamwork, and communication over sight. Players navigate the court using tactile markings, and the ball contains bells, enabling them to track its movement by sound. These elements make communication between teammates crucial. Players must communicate effectively, relying on their senses and each other, fostering a sense of unity and teamwork that extends beyond the game. Beyond its inclusivity and competitive nature, Goalball is also a very safe sport. It offers immense fun and physical engagement, making it appealing to a wide range of participants. The game’s combination of strategy, skill, and sensory awareness often leads to highly competitive and thrilling matches, providing both players and spectators with an exhilarating experience.

Club features

Accessibility types:

Visual impairment

Activity type:


Attendance type:


Activity details:

2H30M session between 13:30 and 16:00 on 13/10/2024
2H30M session between 13:30 and 16:00 on 17/11/2024
2H30M session between 13:30 and 16:00 on 15/12/2024


Watford Leisure Centre Central Peace Prospect Watford WD17 3HA

Telephone number:


Email address:


Accessibility Information:

information on accessing the location: • the location is accessible to individuals with physical impairments or wheelchair users. • The venue has Step-free access, disabled toilets or changing facilities and disabled parking.