Paddle Sports | Every Body Moves

If you like the sound of gliding across the water then Paddle Sports could well be the sports for you.

Paddling with a disability might sound like a challenge, but it shouldn’t stop you from getting on the water.  To help you, we’ve broken down some of the top worries people have when they want to try paddling for the first time. Take a look and hatch your plan for going paddling!

There is no need to run or walk in paddle sports, making them for people with limited use of their lower body – though the sport can be adapted for a wide range of impairments.

Taking to the water might sound daunting at first but paddle sports can offer a sense of freedom and there are a host of paddle clubs around the UK that can cater for people with disabilities.

There are lots of different crafts available from sit on tops to open canoes and stand up paddle boards, not all boats are closed cockpit kayaks! Equally many boats are very stable and, unless you are planning on making your paddling debut on an Olympic slalom course, it is unlikely you will capsize.

Things you might need to get started

You don’t need anything special to get started, just some clothes that are suitable for the weather and some water to stay hydrated.

All other equipment will be provided by your local club.

Find out more

Paddle UK are the national governing body for para canoe, kayak and paddleboarding:

There are a number Paddle-Ability clubs and centres. These are provide high quality opportunities for people with disabilities. See if you have one near you on our Paddle-Ability Look Up here. If you can’t find one near you, contact your nearest paddling centre or local club. They’ll be happy to help.

To get involved at the grassroots level several canoe clubs specialise in Paracanoe, alongside the Paracanoe Talent Academy, set up to help athletes to continue their development. 

As well as the clubs, Attila Herbent, Paddle UK's Paracanoe talent pathway coach, offers paracanoe introduction days at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham.

If you're interested in getting involved, contact Attila through the form linked here. He'd love to hear from you.

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