Japanese Ju-Jitsu for all | Every Body Moves

Japanese Ju-Jitsu for all

Sports category:

Leisure Activities & Games


Learn Japanese Ju-Jitsu in a fun and friendly environment. Open to all ages, abilities and both sexes. No previous experience required. No special equipment required initially.

Club features

Impairment types:

Hearing impairment
Learning impairment
Mental health
Physical impairment
Social or behavioural
Visual impairment

Activity format:


Availiable sessions:

Female only
Mixed gender
Children & youth
Japanese Ju-Jitsu for all logo


Unit 20(first floor)
Newfield Industrial Estate, Tunstall
Stoke on Trent
United Kingdom

Telephone number:


Email address:

Attending the club:

First Lesson is FREE. Contact Sensei Dave to book your initial session. Lesson fees are: Age 4-10 £4.00 per hour lesson. Age 11-59 £5.00 per hour lesson. Age 60-80 £3.00 per hour lesson. Membership and Insurance is required after 4 lessons. The cost for this is £40.00. This includes lifelong membership and 12 months insurance, renewable annually at a cost of £20.00.

When we meet:

We are open Monday to Saturday at various times depending on which lesson is running.

Is there a specific meeting point at the address:

Car Park in front of Venue.


No special sportswear is required initially. We can offer trial clothing if and when required. Upon becoming a member the participant will need to purchase an item of sportswear called a Judo Gi. This can be purchase through ourselves or purchase by the individual from their chosen supplier. The cost of a Gi through us is £40.00 for a child size up to 5'00", £55.00 for an adult size.

Accessibility Information:

As the Club is on a first floor unfortunately there is no wheelchair access. There is a wide staircase so it is accessible to individuals with other physical impairments. We have good sized Male and Female toilets/changing facilities. We have Car Parking spaces directly outside the building for our customers.

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