Exercise and movement to music for the older person- a Keep Fit class | Every Body Moves

Exercise and movement to music for the older person- a Keep Fit class

Tracy Levy


Arthritis, cancer, knee and hips, shoulders, bad backs, heart problems, weary bones and aching muscles are welcome! Challenge your balance, maintain mobility at a 'keep fit class' created just for YOU! This isn't a class for those who can't - it is a class for those who want to! Exercise for the older person or those with special considerations need not be slow or prescriptive and Tracy's class is best described as a keep fit class for those who 'do not want to jump up and down' or can not longer get down on the floor.
Exercise and movement to music for the older person- a Keep Fit class

Club features

Activity type:

Chair Based Exercise, Dance, Extend

Attendance type:


Activity details:

1H sessions between 01:30 and 02:30 every Monday from 13/01/2025 till 04/08/2025
1H session between 01:30 and 02:30 on 17/03/2025
1H session between 01:30 and 02:30 on 24/03/2025
Tracy Levy


Southgate Methodist Church The Bourne London UK

Telephone number:

07949 055958

Email address:



£ 6