Ali's Walking Group | Every Body Moves

Ali's Walking Group

Ali's Walking Group


Come on a walk with us in the locality of the Saffron Walden area (within a half hour drive from, approx), it's surrounding villages and countryside. I am undertaking 3 walks weekly (generally term time only. You are very welcome to join us. The 3 walks will be of varying lengths and times from a different locations. On Friday morning we will walk approximately 2 miles (1 hour approx).
Ali's Walking Group

Club features

Activity type:

Hiking, Walking

Attendance type:


Activity details:

1H30M sessions between 10:10 and 11:40 every Friday from 18/10/2024 till 18/07/2025
1H30M session between 10:10 and 11:40 on 24/01/2025
1H30M session between 10:10 and 11:40 on 31/01/2025
1H30M session between 10:10 and 11:40 on 07/02/2025


Saffrom Walden area

Telephone number:


Email address:


£ 6

Accessibility Information:

Participants need to be able to walk (at a reasonable pace) for the distance and period of time that the walk is estimated to undertake. Participants need to be able to provide their own transport to the starting and finishing point of the walk. Please note, I also undertake shorter and more steady paced walks on a Monday afternoon, published separately.