South Woodham Ferrers parkrun | Every Body Moves

South Woodham Ferrers parkrun

parkrun (Essex)


South Woodham Ferrers parkrun provides free, weekly, timed, 5k events for all standards and abilities. parkrun isn't a race, so whether you walk, jog, run, every finish is celebrated equally. There's no need to book, so come along be active, be outdoors and be social. We have a First Timers briefing at 08:50 with the event starting at 09:00. There's also loads of great volunteer opportunities if you'd prefer; another way to participate. For more details visit our website at or see our Facebook page and the one time, free registration is at
South Woodham Ferrers parkrun

Club features

Activity type:

Running, Jogging, Walking

Attendance type:


Activity details:

1H15M sessions between 09:00 and 10:15 every Saturday from 21/09/2024 till 30/08/2025
1H15M session between 09:00 and 10:15 on 30/11/2024
1H15M session between 09:00 and 10:15 on 07/12/2024
1H15M session between 09:00 and 10:15 on 14/12/2024


Marsh Farm Road South Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford CM3 5WP UK