Wheelchair Rugby | Every Body Moves

Wheelchair Rugby


We are a Wheelchair Rugby Fives club, so players with a wider range of functional impairment than the Quad or Paralympic version are eligible to play. If you are unable to play able bodied rugby due to physical impairment this is the place for you. We aim to provide a welcoming family where all are welcome and valued and the opportunity for fun, socialising and competition are there for you to enjoy. We all know the benefits that being part of the club has brought us and look to share that with others. Find out more on our website at www.saracenswheelchairrugby.uk or email us at info @saracenswheelchairrugby.uk
Wheelchair Rugby

Club features

Accessibility types:

Physical impairment

Activity type:

Wheelchair Rugby

Attendance type:


Activity details:

3H sessions between 13:00 and 16:00 every Saturday from 28/09/2024 till 28/09/2025
3H session between 13:00 and 16:00 on 25/01/2025
3H session between 13:00 and 16:00 on 01/02/2025
3H session between 13:00 and 16:00 on 08/02/2025
3H session between 13:00 and 16:00 on 15/02/2025


Birchwood Leisure Centre Longmead Hatfield AL10 0AN

Telephone number:


Email address:


Meeting point instructions:

Meet in the coffee area before 1pm or in the main sports hall after that

Accessibility Information:

Centre is accessible, has some blue badge parking bays, two accessible toilets and all facilities are on the ground floor