NeuroHiit | Every Body Moves



NeuroHiit was designed by Sam, who has Cerebral Palsy for those with all types of disabilities or long term health conditions! It can be done seated or stood up at your own pace within your own range of movement. Thursdays 6.15pm on zoom. I am fully qualified & have the following qualifications that enable me to work with those with a disability or long term health condition. Level 3 Designing Exercise Programmes for disabled clients Level 3 Exercise Referral Level 4 Exercise for Long term neurological conditions. I tutor & assess these qualifications as well. I was the first disabled fitness presenter in the U.K. I present my own brands that big fitness conventions across the U.K. & Europe! Please make sure any instructor has the right qualifications to work with you. As not all are or have the experience in your disability or health condition. Website: Social media: @inclusfit

Club features

Accessibility types:

Hearing impairment, Learning impairment, Mental health, Physical impairment

Activity type:


Attendance type:


Activity details:

35M sessions between 18:15 and 18:50 every Thursday from 05/09/2024 till 17/09/2025
35M session between 18:15 and 18:50 on 13/03/2025
35M session between 18:15 and 18:50 on 20/03/2025
35M session between 18:15 and 18:50 on 27/03/2025
35M session between 18:15 and 18:50 on 03/04/2025
35M session between 18:15 and 18:50 on 10/04/2025

Telephone number:


Email address:

Zoom meeting details:

Meeting URL:
Meeting instructions: Please contact us via the contact details on website or via social media to join us…

Accessibility Information:

Online via zoom Seated options given. Along with various adaptations to each exercise.