Maintain Agility

Workout #3 - Maintain Agility
We’re thrilled to team up with prosthetics physiotherapist Miranda Asher and Kiera Roche, above-knee amputee and founder and CEO of LimbPower, to bring you a series of adaptive workouts!
They’re designed to be done at your own pace, varied and perfect for any home environment.
We hope you love them as much as we do.
This routine is designed to hone movement control, posture, and agility and if you are standing, challenge your balance.
Important notes from Miranda
If you can’t perform the movements exactly as in the video but feel your muscles clenching and releasing, this is an excellent place to start building up strength until movement becomes possible.
If you want to increase the intensity, try adding a resistance band or ankle weights to add resistance.
In a seated position, try to make sure the chair is solid and against a wall. You may need a solid stool to put your weight through if you can’t touch the ground.
Standing, a chair or a solid surface would help support balance and you need enough room to stretch your whole body out.
Notes for prosthetic users
This routine can be performed with or without the prosthetic on, although in standing you need to wear the limb to perform evenly on both sides.
If wearing the limb makes lifting that body part impossible then try doing one side with the prosthetic limb on for support, then take the prosthetic off to perform the movements on the amputated side.