Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
Learning Disability Club open to male and female players ages 5-18 Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
A weekly pilates club for people with sight loss. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
Football for 7+ years old male and female players with learning and or physical disabilities. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI.
Lisburn Distillery is a pan disability club open to male and female players between 7 and 18 years old. Please contact karenorr3@gmail.com for more information about how to join, session timings, and club fees.
A pan disability cycling programme. To enquire about organising a session for groups or individuals contact Barbara on bredmond@dsni.co.uk.
Football club for 7 + years old male and female players with autism/ learning disabilities. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
Lisburn 2gether SO Club offers football sessions for plays 7+ years old with learning disabilities. To find out more, please contact lorrainefoster1@gmail.com
Lisburn 2gether is a pan disability Badminton Club offering weekly badminton sessions. To find out more, please contact the club directly via pandisabilitylisburn@irishbadminton.com or 077 8968 2446
Wheelchair Hurling & Gaelic Football. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
Lightning Powerchair FC offer football sessions for 7+ years old male and female wheelchair users. Please contact jrbrowning10@gmail.com for more information regarding how to sign up, session timings, and costs.