A bit of background on our Every Body Moves approach. | Every Body Moves

A bit of background on our Every Body Moves approach.

The Lived experience advisory board are pictured in a hybrid meeting with attendees in person and online pictured in a group around a large screen.

We wanted to take a moment to welcome our new followers who have joined us since our coverage on Channel 4 during the Paris Paralympic Games!

We’re so glad to have you with us on this journey, and we’d love to take a moment to explain to you who we are and what we stand for.

Every Body Moves powered by Toyota is a ParalympicsGB programme designed and co-produced with the disabled community to champion inclusion and empower disabled people to become more active.

The name “Every Body Moves.” Is more than just a title - it’s a purposeful play on words that has been co-produced with the wider disability community to reflect our shared values of inclusivity and empowerment. The name was carefully chosen through extensive collaboration with the disabled community including our lived experience advisory board and the award winning disability-led marketing agency Purple Goat, highlighting our commitment to centring the lived experiences and voices from within the community.

At the heart of Every Body Moves is the social model of disability, which recognises that it’s society’s barriers, rather than individual bodies, that disable people. We strongly believe that disability is not about what you can or cannot do, but about how society fails to accommodate and celebrate the diverse ways people live and move. That’s why we say, "Every Body Moves," - because every body, regardless of ability or impairment, moves in its own unique and meaningful way. 
We will champion that unapologetically.

Whether it’s the smallest gesture, like a smile or lifting a hand, or more dynamic actions like celebrating the perfect Boccia shot or dancing, whatever it might be, to us all movement matters and is valuable. This campaign exists to celebrate your movement, no matter what form it takes, by recognising that every body is different, and that diversity is something to be celebrated. We’re here to encourage you to break away from rigid definitions of movement, fitness or exercise and embrace the fact that Every Body Moves is about the rich variety of ways we all move and experience the world.

This is not just a campaign - it’s a movement led by the community, for the community. Through our Lived Experience Advisory Board and partnerships with individuals and organisations across the disability spectrum, we’re working to reshape the way society views movement. It’s not about comparing yourself to others - it’s about celebrating your body’s capabilities, whatever they may be.

We want you to remember that Every Body Moves is a reminder that you are enough, just as you are. Your movement matters, no matter how big or small, dynamic or relaxed and we’re here to celebrate that with you.

Dave Clarke Chief Executive of ParalympicsGB said: “The Every Body Moves platform makes it easier for disabled people across the UK to find sports clubs and activities that work for them. We hope we can help support the grass roots sports clubs that have often been the training grounds for our elite Paralympic athletes as well as open up a wealth of activities to all disabled people regardless of their age or abilities."

"Sport and activities don’t just help with our physical health, the support, friendship and sense of community hundreds of groups across the UK offer can make a huge difference to our emotional and mental well-being so I’d urge people to give Every Body Moves a try.” 


For more information about our current lived experience advisory board check out the link. 

Or to find out how you can get involved in helping us to co-produce our future work you can email us at info@everybodymoves.org.uk.