Yoga for Mental Wellbeing
Sports category:
Yoga & Pilates
My Yoga for Mental Wellbeing class is suitable for beginners and is a sociable class for anyone wanting to reduce stress, improve sleep, connect with others and improve physical wellbeing. All my classes are relaxed and informal, creating a warm, comfortable and welcoming environment to practice yoga. I have a range of community classes to suit different abilities. I teach Hatha Yoga which looks to improve posture, core strength and balance through a series of postures focussing on alignment to get the most out of each pose. To book your space, email Adult Price: 5 Junior Price: 5
Club features
Impairment types:
Mental health
Currock House Community Centre
Lediard Avenue, Carlisle, Cumbria
United Kingdom
Accessibility Information:
Location is wheelchair accessible
Yoga for Mental Wellbeing online
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