Worthing Harriers Wheelchair Racing Group | Every Body Moves

Worthing Harriers Wheelchair Racing Group

Sports category:

Wheelchair Sports


Wheelchair racing sessions designed to meet the objectives of the individual and based on our underpinning value that sport is for fun, fitness, friendship, fulfilment and freedom

Club features

Impairment types:

Physical impairment
Learning impairment

Activity format:

Worthing & District Harriers Athletics Club


Worthing Leisure Centre
Shaftesbury Avenue
BN12 4ET
United Kingdom

Telephone number:


Email address:

Attending the club:

Interested individuals are welcome to any regular session on a no obligation basis. Participants pay a £2 training fee as a contribution to running costs. If an individual wants to compete s/he must join Worthing Harriers and pay the annual subscription.

When we meet:

We meet on Monday evenings from 19.00 to 20.00 and on Saturday mornings from 09.30 to 10.30.

Is there a specific meeting point at the address:

Athletics Track.


Initially a new participant only needs to wear close fitting clothing and provide their own gloves although these can be ordinary gloves such as those used for gardening or DIY. The club has a pool of entry level racing chairs for newcomers to use. If a participant wants to take up the sport, s/he may want to purchase his/her own racing gloves and chair.

Accessibility Information:

Access to Worthing Leisure Centre and the track is wheelchair friendly. There are disabled parking bays. There are disabled toilet facilities.

Worthing Harriers Wheelchair Racing Group online