Stuart Johnston Tai Chi
Sports category:
Combat Sports
Tai Chi is a 'soft' internal martial art and fitness regime, using the Taoist principles of Yin and Yang in order to develop a healthy body and tranquil mind. The most popular style taught today is the Yang style, due to its focus on health, well being and relaxation. It is also described as a moving meditation and is suitable for all ages and abilities. Energy flow, breathing techniques and Chi Kung ( inner energy development ) are all utilised as are the Yang style 'forms'. This style confers a range of benefits to the practitioner, including lowering of B.P, improved circulation, and improved posture. Complementary Chinese health and philosophy is included where applicable, relating the wisdom of the East to the present day. Adult Price: 6 Junior Price: 6
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Impairment types:
Mental health
Isleworth Public Hall
South Street, Isleworth, Middlesex
United Kingdom
Accessibility Information:
Location is wheelchair accessible
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