SHINE special yoga
Sports category:
Gentle Fitness
Special yoga has become the international term used to describe yoga for people with a variety of additional needs including sight loss, hearing loss, autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down's Syndrome, learning disability / difficulties, PMLD, complex needs and other physical challenges. Special yoga therapy helps people reach their potential. All special yoga sessions will focus on the following areas:- Breathing practices, Physical postures, Deep pressure massage, Sound therapy, Mindfulness, Relaxation. Special yoga can help to: Balance body and mind, Increase body and spatial awareness, Develop motor skills, Encourage self-initiation and self-regulation, Improve concentration, Improve efficiency of lungs and cardio-vascular system, Improve posture, flexibility, strength and muscle tone, Reduce anxiety and depression and Improve quality of sleep
Club features
Staff experience:
We have a lot of experience working with disabled people
Activity format:
Team based
Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount
United Kingdom
Telephone number:
07789 726696
Email address:
When we meet:
Please get in touch via the contact details listed below for more info on when we meet and how you can get involved!
SHINE special yoga online
Useful links
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