Sea-Change Sailing Trust | Every Body Moves

Sea-Change Sailing Trust

Sports category:

Water Sports


Sea-Change provides residential opportunities for young people and vulnerable adults to learn and develop in a unique environment. By living and working together aboard a traditional sailing vessel they participate in a wide range of life skills and are encouraged to take increasing responsibility for their contribution and group decisions.
We offer a graduated set of programmes from entry level tasters to extended residential periods with accreditation. The charity is a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Training and Sailability Foundation centre, and Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Approved Activity Centre.

Club features

Staff experience:

We have a lot of experience working with disabled people, and have undergone specialised training

Activity format:

Team based


Sea-Change Sailing Trust, Downs Road Boatyard, Downs Road
United Kingdom

Telephone number:

01621 840982

Email address:

Attending the club:

Please call us to discuss your requirements or use the contact form on our website.

When we meet:

Please get in touch for details on when we meet.


Please see our website for more details on what you'll need.

Sea-Change Sailing Trust online