Leeds Powerchair Football Club
Sports category:
Football Sports
LPFC offers football opportunities to wheelchair users. There are options to play recreational football or to develop to play at the highest level in the WFA national leagues. The game is played in bespoke powerchairs offering players the opportunity to play this fast paced, high adrenaline fueled sport to the full. all sessions are based on fun and the development of players regardless of the level of disability. No-one is ever turned away.

Club features
Impairment types:
Physical impairment
Staff experience:
We have a lot of experience working with disabled people, and have undergone specialised training
Activity format:
Team based

Bishop Young Academy
Bishops Way
LS14 6NU
United Kingdom
Telephone number:
Email address:
Attending the club:
Membership and annual fees, contact through web site, Facebook and Twitter
When we meet:
Every Saturday morning 10.30am, Tuesday and Wednesday 7.00pm
Slings for transfers
Accessibility Information:
Leeds Powerchair Football Club online
Useful links
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