LED Sabre class
Sports category:
Combat Sports
Leicestershire Sabre Masters group for notifications about kids and adult classes in Leicestershire, Nottingham and Derbyshire. Sabres Masters is an LED sabre school, teaching traditional western sword arts, particularly those of the medieval hand and half. We incorporate mindfulness techniques, and work towards safe, controlled sparring and combat. We also do displays which use different techniques including stage combat work. We train and spar with LED sabres, designed and manufactured by our core team in the main, but other combat safe sabres are welcome. The school has sabres and glasses for newcomers to use, but we recommend bringing gloves that fit you comfortably once you start coming regularly. Our classes are open to kids and adults and we encourage parents and children to participate together. Class schedule Wednesdays 615-745pm (last half hour experienced students only) Adults and children welcome £6 per hour session, two or more from the same family £5 each, First taster session is FREE please contact us to book your taster session. www.swordfighting.uk Demo team available for events, parties etc, please message for details. Adult Price: 6 Junior Price: 6
Club features
Impairment types:
Mental health
Physical impairment
Social or behavioural
Sileby Community Centre
41 High Street, Sileby, Loughborough, Leicestershire
LE12 7RX
United Kingdom
Accessibility Information:
Location is wheelchair accessible
LED Sabre class online
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