Inclusive Ice Skating at Streatham Ice and Leisure Centre
Sports category:
Winter Sports
A quiet skate session for Disabled people and their family carers or support workers. Takes place every Monday from 10 - 11am including Easter Monday until 25th June.Suitable for people with all types of impairments. Wheelchair users can go on the ice, 'Penguin' walking frames can be borrowed and a Skate Marshall supervises the session. £5.55 for a Disabled person - a carer or support worker skates for free. These sessions are a partnership between GLL Better, Disability Advice Service Lambeth's IntoSport Lambeth service, Sense and SELViS.
Club features
Impairment types:
Learning impairment
Mental health
Physical impairment
Social or behavioural
Visual impairment
Activity format:
Availiable sessions:
Male only
Female only
Mixed gender
Children & youth
Streatham High Road
SW16 6HX
United Kingdom
Telephone number:
Email address:
When we meet:
Is there a specific meeting point at the address:
No advance booking necessary, just come to reception and ask for the iSPA Ice Skating session at 10am. Allow time to get fitted with skates or to get any equipment you may need sorted out.
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