Gentle 5k Run and Chat | Every Body Moves

Gentle 5k Run and Chat

Sports category:

Endurance Sports


Run Talk Run Manchester is a weekly 5km gentle jog. Meeting outside Sainsbury's cafe, Fallowfield at 14:15 and starting at 14:30. Before every run there is a window of time to meet the other runners andsay hello to the run leader. It's alright if you're a little anxious and quiet - we 'get it' at Run Talk Run. It's important that everyone knows that the run is gentle and that there is no pressure to "keep up",
and that at the forefront of our runs is support...a safe space to chat first, running second.

Club features

Impairment types:

Mental health


Outside Sainsbury's Café, Wilmslow Road, Manchester
United Kingdom

Gentle 5k Run and Chat online