Gateshead Council VI Football Session | Every Body Moves

Gateshead Council VI Football Session

Sports category:

Football Sports


A visually impaired and blind football session in Gateshead! We welcome anyone who would like to come along and join the session. Every Tuesday 5:30-6:30pm. £3 per person. Aged 18+ only
Club in association with British Blind Sport

Club features

Impairment types:

Visual impairment

Staff experience:

We have a lot of experience working with disabled people

Activity format:

Team based
Club in association with British Blind Sport


Gateshead International Stadium (indoor sports hall) Neilson Rd
NE10 0EF
United Kingdom

Telephone number:

0191 4338102

When we meet:

Please get in touch via the contact details listed below for more info on when we meet and how you can get involved!

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