FL 50+ exercise class
Sports category:
Dance Fitness
I teach FL exercise classes. FLexercise classes are taught using the Bagot Stack system of exercise. Part exercise, part dance - energising and strengthening the whole body. Achieving good posture and balance through exercise and maintaining it in movement and dance is at the core of the system. It is an essential ingredient in looking good, being healthy and feeling great.. Exercise is fused with movement and dance to challenge the body in action, improving mobility, strength, stamina and fitness to funtion whilst providing interest and stress management through fun and mental stimulation. THIS IS POSTURE IN ACTION Adult Price: 6.5 Junior Price: 6.5
Club features
Impairment types:
Hearing impairment
Visual impairment
United Reformed Church
Junction Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex
RH15 0JL
United Kingdom
Accessibility Information:
Location is wheelchair accessible
FL 50+ exercise class online
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