Every Player Counts Evening Football Session | Every Body Moves

Every Player Counts Evening Football Session

Sports category:

Football Sports


The Every Player Counts football session is based at Robin Park arena. The session provides free football activity to improve physical mental and social well-being. The session provides a platform for adults with disabilities to enjoy football and socialize as part of a group. The session will offer the opportunity to take part in competitive matches on a weekly basis under specialized provision.

Club features

Impairment types:

Hearing impairment
Learning impairment
Mental health
Physical impairment

Staff experience:

We have a lot of experience working with disabled people, and have undergone specialised training

Activity format:

Team based

Availiable sessions:

Wigan Athletic Community Trust Logo


Robin Park Arena, Loire Drive,
United Kingdom

Telephone number:


Attending the club:

Any beginners interested in joining the Every Player Counts session would need to contact the disability coordinator by email - j.barker@wiganathletic.com in order to express interest of attending. All sessions are completely free and will be of no cost to those attending.

When we meet:

We meet on Wednesday evenings between 5:45-6

Is there a specific meeting point at the address:

Participants will meet at the side entrance next to the overflow car park of robin park arena.


The session is delivered on a 3G pitch and would therefore require plastic football boots or suitable football trainers. Shin pads are optional however are advised by the Community Trust for safety.

Accessibility Information:

The session will be inclusive and be easily accessible for users, all users will enter using the step free access via the pathway to the pitches, however due to the facility being 3G Wheelchair users may struggle to move around on the pitches especially if the number of attendees is high. Disabled toilets are accessible via the main entrance of the arena with car parking available at the front of the buikding. (200 yards from the pitches). The session caters for all abilities and is extremely inclusive. All participants must be 16 or over.

Every Player Counts Evening Football Session online

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