Disability Shooting Great Britain Club | Every Body Moves

Disability Shooting Great Britain Club

Sports category:

Target Sports


A chance for disabled people of all ages a chance to try air rifle/pistol shooting

Club features

Impairment types:

Learning impairment
Mental health
Physical impairment

Activity format:


Availiable sessions:

Mixed gender
Children & youth
Disability Shooting Great Britain Club logo


Shooting Huts Stoke Mandeville Stadium
Gutterman Road
HP21 9PP
United Kingdom

Telephone number:


Email address:

Attending the club:

Participants need to contact the Secretary to book attendance, (dmhinchliff@hotmail.co.uk). There is no fee for their first session but subsequent ones will cost £5 range fee

When we meet:

The club meets once a month usually on the third weekend of the month

Is there a specific meeting point at the address:

From the Stadium entrance go up the slope towards the white huts the shooting is in the one with the Yellow door


We are able to provide the equipment needed for shooting, if participants usually wear glasses are advised to bring them with them

Accessibility Information:

There is parking in the stadium car park but on weekends it can be busy, the shooting hut is fully accessible with disabled toilets

Disability Shooting Great Britain Club online