The Bath Boccia League | Every Body Moves

The Bath Boccia League

Sports category:

Target Sports


Different teams compete by throwing their coloured balls as close to the target ball (the Jack ball) as possible.

Teams score points by the number of their balls closest to the Jack ball.

The League meets 4 times a season and there is a winner of each separate tournament.
A participant throwing a ball whilst an opponent watches

Club features

Impairment types:

Hearing impairment
Learning impairment
Visual impairment

Activity format:

Team based

Availiable sessions:

The logo for the Bath Boccia League with 3 coloured boccia balls


Culverhay Leisure Centre
Rush Hill
United Kingdom

Telephone number:


Attending the club:

Potential participants and teams should contact Jenny to enquire whether there is room to join the tournaments.

It costs £10 per team per tournament to enter.

When we meet:

Four times a season


No special equipment is needed - all balls and a ramp provided.

If you have your own ramp then bring it along!

Accessibility Information:

The sports floor is fully accessible on the ground floor, in addition to the accessible toilets.

The Bath Boccia League online