Live Longer Better with Long-term Health Conditions | Every Body Moves

Live Longer Better with Long-term Health Conditions

Medialis Wellbeing CIC


The low-impact exercise class is a perfect fit for individuals who are living with long-term health conditions. The class is designed with the aim of accommodating the varying needs of all attendees. The exercises are gentle and easy on the joints, making them ideal for people who have mobility issues or chronic pain. The class is conducted in a supportive and welcoming environment, and the instructor is trained to provide modifications to suit each person's individual needs.
Live Longer Better with Long-term Health Conditions

Club features

Accessibility types:

Physical impairment, Mental health issues, Hearing impairment

Activity type:

Chair Based Exercise, Resistance Bands, Group Exercise

Attendance type:


Activity details:

1H30M sessions between 14:30 and 16:00 every Wednesday from 03/01/2024 till 13/11/2024
1H30M session between 14:30 and 16:00 on 25/09/2024
1H30M session between 14:30 and 16:00 on 02/10/2024


Birchwood Leisure Centre Longmead Birchwood Hatfield UK

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