Gentle Circuits | Every Body Moves

Gentle Circuits

LED Leisure Management Ltd


Brilliant for those who want all the greatness of a circuits class – at a lower intensity Great whole body workout A great variety of cardio and strength training Minimal rest maximises your exercise time Work with a mix of cardio and weights Perform each exercise in timed succession before moving on Have an awesome workout with a bunch of fun people
Gentle Circuits

Club features

Activity type:

Circuit Training

Attendance type:


Activity details:

1H sessions between 11:45 and 12:45 every Friday from 22/07/2022
1H session between 11:45 and 12:45 on 21/03/2025
1H session between 11:45 and 12:45 on 28/03/2025
LED Leisure Management Ltd


Honiton Leisure Centre Honiton Sports Centre Honiton Devon EX14 1QW

Telephone number:

01395 562500

Email address:


£ 4.75