Jonnie Peacock's top tips for staying active | Every Body Moves

Jonnie Peacock's top tips for staying active

Jonnie Peacock gave Parasport his ten top tips for staying active

It's been great to see Britain staying active despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic - but what are the keys to a great home workout? 

Social distancing measures mean we’re all getting creative and trying new things to stay active and sharing them with family, friends and domestic pets, too!

As we continue to search for inspiration we thought we’d ask someone special - sprinter and Strictly star Jonnie Peacock - for his expert pointers on how to get moving at home. 

1. Have fun!

This has always been my number one when it comes to sport or working out generally. 

I try to shape my physical activity around what I know I’ll enjoy - that means it’s a part of my day I treasure and look forward to. 

Remember to always have fun!

2. Make it work for you 

We all have our own unique needs and abilities when it comes to staying active.

Some of us might love a long-distance run every day, others get a lot of benefit from just walking around the garden. 

There’s a lot of information available on different accessible routines and plans to follow. There’s one out there for you and the key is finding whatever works for you and your circumstances.

3. Small is beautiful

You don’t need to burst into a sprint every day to feel like you’ve done some exercise. I certainly don’t!

As long as you’re getting your heart rate going, getting some fresh air or moving around in whatever way you can, that’s great.

4. Do something every day 

Whatever floats your boat, I think it’s so valuable to build some time for physical exercise into your everyday routine.

Keeping active is so good for our mental, as well as physical, health. We all have things keeping us busy, so planning activity at a regular time can be really beneficial. 

5. Get the family involved

If you’re in lockdown with family, friends or even pets, try and encourage them to join you in your activity.

They’ll feel the benefit and it’ll help you stay motivated too. Sharing is definitely caring when it comes to getting active. 

Get Set have made their schools resources available for families

6. Keep it social

We’re all having to work around social distancing regulations at the moment but are finding ways to stay connected with our loved ones.

Why not do a joint workout, however small, with friends on a shared video link or even just tell them about how you’re managing to keep active. That might inspire them to get moving!

British Blind Sport are offering live group workouts during lockdown.

7. Pick the right track

Music is a big part of our lives and I always find my workouts are better if I’ve got a good soundtrack going in the background. 

There are loads of playlists on Spotify based around workouts and it can be fun to customise them around your activity. 

8. Bust a move

Everyone knows dancing is something I still need to work on (!) – but there’s no denying it’s a brilliant way to stay active!

For online classes check out Flamingo Chicks and what they are offering, that are all available for free on YouTube.

9. Use your environment 

Your immediate environment is your friend when it comes to finding new and interesting ways to stay on the move.

Walking up the stairs or doing some stretches against a worktop are just a couple of ways that you could use your home to keep active. 

Activity Alliance's STEP tool is one of the most effective ways to use household items to get active. 

10. Stay Alert

It’s so important we all heed the government advice to stay at home when we can, protect the NHS and save lives. 

The joy of physical activity will brings us back together sometime soon!

LimbPower offers a great home workout toolkit for above knee, below knee or double amputees.

Now, it's over to you!

Have Jonnie’s top tips encouraged you to get active? You could be in with a chance of winning a signed race vest from Jonnie Peacock, as worn in the 2019 Anniversary Games at the London Stadium. 

To enter, all you need to do is post a picture of you getting active during lockdown. On Twitter, tag @ParasportUK and use #AnyonesGame. On Instagram, tag us in your post or story with an image. 

Competition Conditions

We will select our favourite picture on Friday 12th June 2020, and the winner will be notified by direct message to the account posting the winning entry.

This message must be replied to within 30 days, providing information including a UK delivery address. If this response has not been received within 30 days the BPA will select another winner. Entrants may submit as many entries as they like, entries may be discounted at the discretion of the BPA. 

By submitting an entry you give permission for any imagery of yourself and/or others to be used in promotional material by the BPA.

Due to ongoing social distancing restrictions, receipt of this prize may be delayed but we will endeavour to deliver this as soon as we can. 

Thanks and good luck!