Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
All our sports are fun and open to all age groups with the emphasis on sustainable enjoyment for participants.
Don't forget your £3 subs. club night 18.15 to 20.00, 20.00 to 21.00 team training
Mixed Ability Rugby involves both disabled and non-disabled players participating in contact rugby together. It is perfect for anyone new to the game and wanting to give it a go. Our existing squad consists of 30+ players, all of whom were new players at one time! If you want to make new friends and learn a new sport, the Bucks are for you! Players must be male and 17+ (as it is adult contact rugby).
"Multi-sports session for people with disabilities, their families and friends are held on term time Fridays in Brecon Leisure Centre. Suitable for all ages from 14 upwards, just drop-in to the session BISA is affiliated to Special Olympics www.specialolympicsgb.org.uk Members of BISA attend outdoor activity sessions organised by local outdoor activity providers."
Nice steady Run/Walk for all abilities The Running group no more than 5k Walker nor more than 1.5-2 miles both groups are lead doesn't matter about pace its just about putting one foot in front of the other and enjoying getting some frsh air and excercise and enjoying the social element of meeting new people it will be good if you can make Remember nobody gets left behind and if its you first time the hardest part is putting your trainers on then one foot will follow the othe...
Allows the cost of a 1:1 session to be spread amongst two people. Not available for Hsing I.
Ability Counts is our PAN-disability football programme for players with disabilities aged 5-25 and their friends and family, held every Friday evening at The Cliff Training Ground. Sessions run weekly on Fridays at The Cliff Training Ground, Lower Broughton Rd, Salford M7 2HU. 7.00-7.45pm: Mixed group, ages 5-11 7.00-7.45pm: Girls only group 7.45-8.30pm: Mixed group, ages 12-16 8.45-9.30pm: Mixed group, ages 16-25
Tag Rugby sessions for children 6+ years with a learning disability. The sessions run from March - June and then September to December each year on Fridays 7pm - 8pm. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI.