Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
Olympic Weightlifting coached sessions. Our club sessions run 3 times a week for 8-12yr old and 12+ We also run a family fitness session where young people can bring a parent/carer to train with. Our club has a sensory room where young people can process information and relax. Our coaches are all experienced with working with young people who are neurodiverse. The focus of our sessions is to encourage and promote good technique, social skills and getting stronger, fitter and healthier.
The team plays in the National League at Nottingham. All coaches are CRB checked and have the appropriate qualifications. Sessions are at the Waterfront Leisure Centre, Woolwich: Thursdays, 4pm – 6.30pm and Saturdays, 2pm -4pm.
Rockets SEND programme caters for children ( aged 8-18) with additional needs who want to be involved in a fun and active sports session. The club understands how powerful sport can be in boosting confidence, staying healthy, enhancing social skills and learning to work as part of a team. Our SEND sessions are suitable for boys and girls of any ability and a diagnosis isn't required to join the programme. It is open to any child who finds mainstream sessions challenging.
Sports club for anyone aged 13 years and above with a physical disability, particularly those with Cerebral Palsy and/or other neurological conditions. There are opportunities to play in competitive NI league, as well as potential access to Paralympic pathways. Weekly Boccia session for players of all levels, Thursdays 4pm-5pm. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI.
Air Venture inclusive is a specific session that offers families of children with autism and other abilities a dedicated session with reduced noise, no tannoy announcements and meet the team board
Adult Club - Thursday 4:15-5pm. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
Air Venture inclusive is a specific session that offers families of children with autism and other abilities a dedicated session with reduced noise, no tannoy announcements and meet the team board
Each paying ticket admits one carer free of charge. Supervision ratios apply for children under 8. These are: Children 18M–4Y = 1 full paying adult – 2 children. Children 5 – 7 Y = 1 full paying adult bouncing – 10 children. Over 8’s – No ratios apply. Trampoline socks must be worn.