Cornwall Bicycle Project - COTM May 2024 | Every Body Moves

Cornwall Bicycle Project - COTM May 2024

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For May's Club of the Month, we pedalled our way down to Par track to celebrate The Cornwall Bicycle Project's 'tyre-less' work in making cycling more inclusive than ever before.

The club are supported by British Cycling's Limitless programme, and in the relatively short time since their inception, have emerged as a shining example of what can be achieved when passion and a commitment to inclusive and adaptive activity come together.

Thanks to an every growing range of adaptive equipment, the club support participants with wide range of impairments to enjoy all the positive benefits that cycling and physical activity can bring, from improving cardiovascular health to boosting mental well-being.

That inclusive mindest extends into Cornwall Bicycle Project's supportive community of participants, creating a place where individuals can connect, share experiences, and support each other. 

Winning the Club of the Month award is a significant milestone for the Cornwall Bicycle Project, but it is by no means the end of their journey. With this recognition, the Cornwall Bicycle Project is more motivated than ever to expand their programs, reach more individuals, and continue advocating for a world where cycling is accessible to all.