Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
Table Tennis sessions for all abilities, we hold open play community sessions, as well as fully coached sessions. Sessions are lead by Helen Lower and John Blackband. Sessions cost £2 Junior £3 Senior, advanced coaching sessions £5.
An open invitation to ladies over 40 and men over 50 to come and try Walking Football in an indoor setting.
Run Talk Run exists to make both running and mental health support less intimidating and more accessible. A friendly, free and supportive group, Run Talk Run is a safe and open space to talk how you are doing: the good times, the not so good times and everything in between. Whilst we chat, we run, walk, or jog 5km. We don't care about speed or pace and nobody is left behind... whether you're a seasoned ultra marathon runner or coming along for your first bit of exercise in a while, all are welco...
The Fulham Mini Badgers Football Sessions are for participants with Downs Syndrome aged 10-16 years. Sessions are delivered by highly qualified and experienced coaches. Our Fulham Badgers Football Sessions can be the first step for a player on their footballing journey, or for the more experienced footballer looking to play regularly in a safe and inclusive environment. Players will develop their footballing ability and build their confidence and ability to play in team environments. Pla...
Our Junior Pan DisAbility Hubs can be the first step for a player on their footballing journey, or for the more experienced footballer looking to play regularly in a safe and inclusive environment. Sessions are for players aged 5 to 16 years with any form of physical and/or learning disability or special educational need. Young people will develop their footballing ability and build their confidence and ability to play in team environments. Players will also meet new friends and socialise wi...
"Multi-sports session for people with disabilities, their families and friends are held on term time Fridays in Brecon Leisure Centre. Suitable for all ages from 14 upwards, just drop-in to the session BISA is affiliated to Special Olympics www.specialolympicsgb.org.uk Members of BISA attend outdoor activity sessions organised by local outdoor activity providers."
Multi-sports session for people with disabilities, their families and friends are held on term time Fridays in Brecon Leisure Centre. Suitable for all ages from 14 upwards, just drop-in to the session BISA is affiliated to Special Olympics www.specialolympicsgb.org.uk Members of BISA attend outdoor activity sessions organised by local outdoor activity providers.
Welcome to Rebound Fit. You'll have the most fun working out with our mini trampoline classes. Our aim is to get you hot, sweaty and smashing those goals. Whether your aim is to tone up, lose weight or get a personal best, we give you the most amazing workout to get to where you want to be! Can't wait to have you with us.
Nice steady Run/Walk for all abilities The Running group no more than 5k Walker nor more than 1.5-2 miles both groups are lead doesn't matter about pace its just about putting one foot in front of the other and enjoying getting some frsh air and excercise and enjoying the social element of meeting new people it will be good if you can make Remember nobody gets left behind and if its you first time the hardest part is putting your trainers on then one foot will follow the othe...