Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
Open 7 days a week 9am-3:30pm, Cycle Hire sessions last 90mins Watchtree Wheelers is all about getting people on bikes. We hire bikes; we sell bikes; we fix bikes; we teach people to ride bikes. We have an extensive cycle fleet of accessable bikes and trikes for you to hire for 90 mins and ride around the reserve. We have all sorts of bikes for all sorts of people. Whatever your requirements, the chances are we have something to suit your needs. Can’t ride? We still have options ...
Paralympic Taekwondo
Come along to our friendly club to try Goalball. We guarantee that you will have fun, make friends, and have a good workout! Everyone is welcome.
Mixed Ability Rugby aims to provide an opportunity for everyone to play Rugby union. Mixed Ability sport is simply that, a mixed team. Able bodied, beginners, those coming back to the sport, those carrying injury and those with physical or mental barriers / disabilities. The game bar a handful of adjustments is exactly the same as rugby you'd see on the TV but with more smiles and where everyone is included. Since 2016, the men's team has brought in over 100 new players to Worcester ...
Seashell Trust is a British Cycling Limitless Club. Limitless, is British Cycling’s inclusive cycling programme which provides cycling opportunities for disabled people, regardless of age, impairment and ability. Limitless Clubs have committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment. Clubs may offer integrated inclusive sessions, or separate Limitless sessions specifically for disabled riders. Contact the club directly for full details.
A fun and engaging Trampoline course adapted to be inclusive for all. Led by a fully qualified coach. Please contact your local Centre for accessibility information.
Sessions for adults to swim socially, no lanes. These sessions are generally quieter and so may be more suitable for those living with dementia, neurodivergence and/or other long term health conditions
Instructor led sessions where participants are able to follow individually tailored exercise to meet their muscular skeletal conditions.
Supported by Kew Park Rangers (KPR), a local Charter Standard Community Club, footballers aged 16 years+ practice a variety of techniques and skills to develop their agility, balance and coordination. KPR encourage players to join in competitively and socially. A team play in the Surrey Football For All League. Parents and carers are welcome to stay, watch or take part.