Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
An adaptable class that responds to your individual ability, water confidence and focus. Perfect for returning to exercise, building confidence and fitness. Suitable for recovery from injury or managing a musculoskeletal condition as well as general wellbeing. Pre-registration is required before attending your first Good Boost session, please contact your local leisure facility.
Walk-down from BSA and supervision at Baslow Sports Field 3:15-4pm
Our Qigong class starts with a gentle warm-up to calm the breathing and mind, and mobilise the body. Angela will guide you through the Qigong steps from the front of the hall, in mirror image, describing each of the movements. We will learn a new step or revisit and refine one each class, building on the previous movements to flow a sequence together. Along the way we'll learn the health benefits of each move. We finish with a gentle warm-down to end the class. Please wear loose comfortable clot...
Circuit Training is suitable for all levels of ability and combines high-intensity aerobic exercises with resistance training. It helps builds muscular stength and endurance.
A slower-paced version of the world`s most popular sport, aimed at the over 50's. Smaller pitches and plenty of breaks ensure that participants enjoy a safe and enjoyable return to football. The slower pace doesn't detract from the competition though - it`s much more than just a stroll in the park!
PLEASE NOTE: If you have never used the toning suite before you are required an induction. Inductions are £11.80 and must be booked over the phone or in site (01472) 326875. You are only permitted to use the Toning Suite if you meet a certain criteria which will be authorised by the Fitness Supervisor.
Our ‘This Girl Can’ Classes provide a welcoming aerobics programme where getting it wrong is alright! If you have two left feet or have never done a push-up before, these classes are for you. This Girl Can will give you the confidence to try new moves, understand different fitness class options, and make new friends. In addition to the physical benefits of exercise, This Girl Can provides a supportive community of women striving towards a healthier lifestyle. You’ll be able to meet new people, ...
Free Indoor Cricket Sessions Supported by Chance to Shine & Warwickshire Cricket Foundation. Ages 8-15 All welcome, Any ability, all sessions run by qualified ECB coaches, with Safeguarding, DBS and First Aid qualifications. You bring yourself and we bring the rest!
Adult Club - Tuesday 3:45-4:30pm. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have never used the toning suite before you are required an induction. Inductions are £11.80 and must be booked over the phone or in site 01472 326875. You are only permitted to use the Toning Suite if you meet a certain criteria which will be authorised by the Fitness Supervisor.