Displaying local activities and events running in the next two weeks
Powerchair Football Club for 7 + years old male and female wheelchair users. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
Pan disability club for 7 + years old male and female players. With multiple “Football for All” Disability teams. Opportunity provided by www.activelivingnolimits.co.uk hosted by Disability Sport NI
Glentoran Inclusion FC have opportunities for 7+ years old male and female football players with learning or physical disabilities to get involved in their club. Please contact smithm566@gmail.com for further information.
A horse riding club for people with a disability. Tuesdays and Thursday mornings. Monday and Wednesday evenings. Please contact Sean McKenna for times. Our purpose is to provide people of all ages with learning difficulties and physical disabilities with access to horse riding and in some cases carriage driving in order to promote mental and physical health, learning, and general wellbeing. For many of our participants, it may be the only opportunity they get to take part in an active outdoo...
A weekly horse riding club for people with a disability. Tuesday morning. Please contact Marina Kidney for time. Our purpose is to provide people of all ages with learning difficulties and physical disabilities with access to horse riding and in some cases carriage driving in order to promote mental and physical health, learning, and general wellbeing. For many of our participants, it may be the only opportunity they get to take part in an active outdoor sport and have fun. Opportunity pr...
A weekly horse riding club for people with a disability. Tuesday morning. Please contact Patricia McKay for times. Our purpose is to provide people of all ages with learning difficulties and physical disabilities with access to horse riding and in some cases carriage driving in order to promote mental and physical health, learning, and general wellbeing. For many of our participants, it may be the only opportunity they get to take part in an active outdoor sport and have fun. Opportunity...
Foyle Strikers SO Club provides an opportunity for 15+ years old male and female players with learning disabilities to play football. Please contact richardedgar56@yahoo.co.uk for further information.
Foyle Belles FC provides an opportunity for 15+ years old male and female players with learning disabilities to play football. Please contact terrycass@hotmail.co.uk for more information.
Limitless @ Adrenaline Alley is a British Cycling Limitless Club. Limitless, is British Cycling’s inclusive cycling programme which provides cycling opportunities for disabled people, regardless of age, impairment and ability. Limitless Clubs have committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment. Clubs may offer integrated inclusive sessions, or separate Limitless sessions specifically for disabled riders. Contact the club directly for full details.
Adult Walking Tennis - if you are a little less mobile or have a health condition which you feel limits you from keeping up with everyone else, why not try Walking Tennis. A smaller court area is used, with softer and slower balls, which can bounce twice. Underarm serves can be used. All abilities are welcome - just play your way at your pace.